Ricoh Theta Plug-in


We built this website, a media platform, optimized for 360 live streaming to provide a dedicated service to potential users, museums, other institutions both individuals too, who would like to use their device to stream easily in 360 degrees.

We will turn on features on this platform upcoming weeks (October 2022).

The plug-in that we developed for Theta Z1 is available now to download and install at Ricoh Plug-In Store. This is a BETA version of the plugin, some features are not finalized yet. Below is a tutorial video how to install this plugin to Z1 and use this new plugin to stream to YouTube, but can stream to any other platform that supports VR 360 format and RTMP. Last 2-3 weeks we noticed that Facebook doesn't show spherical video option, not sure why or if this is permanent or not. YouTube still works fine for 360 live streaming too! 

If you would like to join the discussion about this plugin or other, plese consider joining Facebook group: Ricoh Theta Z1(or X) "HDR Wireless Live Streaming" Plugin | Facebook

To be able to setup your Theta Z1 and start live streaming proceed accordingly:

  • Please download the "HDR Wireless Live Streaming" plugin on Ricoh Theta Store  and
  • Register an account on our website for free here 
  • Login to your account and click SETUP, where you will have to enter information to start live streaming. For now you can stream toward Facebook or YouTube, but will soon start testing and will allow you streaming directly to our platform too. 
  • After you finished setup on our site, which means you entered serial number of you device, entered URL and Stream name for RTMP connection, you can start your Ricoh Theta device and run the "HDR Wireless Live Streaming" plug-in. Make sure that you are connected to a wireless network which provides a stable upload bandwidth, otherwise
  • Start the live streaming as usually by pressing button on camera. To stop live streaming push again.

You can post comments on this page in case of any issues, please feel free to do so. 

Development work is in progress, both on plug-in and website, please be patient, new features will come soon!



hi! I would appreciate if you share some feedback about plugin here, add your comments/questions here and I will do my best to answer and help. Thanks!